Thursday, February 22, 2007

Making disciples who make disciples

From Dave:

Last night, I spent the whole evening with three guys who are doing a Life Transformation Group (LTG) together. LTG's are groups of two or three individuals of the same sex that meet for prayer, accounability, Scripture discussion and repoting on evangelistic opportunities. There are several nice things that the Lord is doing through this LTG.

It appears that most of the guys are intensely working on (and near completion of) the Good News bible lesson series, and we reviewed their individual progress.

We spent a lot of time tonight on evangelism training. They were concerned about how they should best outreach to their fellow inmates. By the grace of the Lord, I gave them some suggestions that I believe will help them be effective. We talked and prayed a lot about this need.

This little LTG, mostly led by a man named Alex, is leading a nightly prayer meeting in their module with several inmates participating. (The prayer meeting starts promptly at 9:17 pm EST if you want to pray for them!) I am in thankgiving to the Lord Jesus for His hand on these guys.


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